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Discover Yambaru Tours

We were born and raised in Yambaru Kunigami Village, and when we were young we thought it was a very small village.
As adults,
when we left our home, we learned about the kindness of people,
when we returned to our home, we learned about the depth of our culture and the richness of nature
Our forest has become a Natural World Heritage Site and it is entwined with our lives
We hear the sounds of nature and smell the natural scents throughout the seasons
But I wonder if people living in the modern age notice
If you are made aware, you will realize the depth of the culture
There are people who remember the history of living with the ocean and the forest
In our daily lives, traditional culture seems to be losing its meaning leaving only its shadow
There are still people who understand the deeper meaning
With telling the stories, there are things that we can connect to and protect
And so, the local people have created experiences to convey the richness of the Yambaru natural environment and the culture that is connected to it.

Forest Park Walking Tour with a Nature Guide

You can encounter and enjoy seasonal flora and fauna while taking a walk at the entrance of the forest. You will see subtropical plants such as the Itaji tree, the Japanese bay tree, and the Flying Spider Monkey tree. If you go with a guide, you will discover things that you would not notice on your own. Can you feel the deepness of the forest and taste the forest air?

Hiji Falls Tour with a Nature Guide

We are going to see the largest waterfall in Okinawa (25.7 meters in height). To get there we walk along a well maintained path along a stream surrounded by the noises of the forest. The course is about 3 km there and back with the first part a gentle uphill trek and the last part a series of up and down stairs. There is a suspension bridge across the stream part-way up (50m long and 17m above the stream); there are rest places along the way; and, there is always a beautiful view. This is an enjoyable, easy course.

NOTE FOR ENGLISH SPEAKERS: The guide for the nature tours does not speak English. We recommend you go with someone who could translate for you in order to take advantage of this interesting experience.

Endemic Garden H website