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Hotel Terms & Conditions (Old) Applicable until Friday, May 31, 2024

Terms & Conditions

Article 1: Scope
1. The accommodation agreement (the “Agreement”) and other pertinent agreements concluded between the Oriental Hotel Okinawa Resort & Spa (the “Hotel”) and the guest (the “Guest”) are governed by these Rules and Regulations; issues and items not defined in these Rules and Regulations shall be governed by the Law of Japan or managed according to the general custom.
2. If the Hotel agrees to a special provision, that special provision shall not be bound by the preceding clause, provided that it is legally feasible and within the scope of the general custom.
Article 2: Application for Accommodation Agreement
1. To apply for accommodation agreement, the Guest shall provide the Hotel the following:
i)  Name of guest(s)
ii) Expected time of arrival and date/duration of stay
iii) Accommodation charge (See Appendix 1 for basic accommodation charges)
iv) Other items deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If the Guest applies to extend his stay beyond the original schedule before the end of the original schedule as per the second clause of the preceding Article, the Hotel shall process it as a new application for accommodation agreement, valid as of the moment of application.

Article 3: Conclusion of Accommodation Agreement
1. The Agreement is concluded when the Hotel accepts the application as defined in the preceding Article. However, if the Hotel provides proof of its non-acceptance, the Agreement shall become void.
2. If the Agreement is concluded as per the preceding clause, the Guest shall pay the Hotel an application fee requested by the Hotel, the amount of which shall not exceed the basic accommodation charge for the Guest’s intended length of stay (anything longer than three days is considered as three days), by the date specified by the Hotel.
3. The application fee shall be appropriated to the Guest’s accommodation charge at first, but if an event occurs to which the provisions in Article 6 and Article 18 are applicable, the said fee shall be appropriated to pay the penalty and then for the damages. If there is a remaining balance after this, the money shall be reimbursed to the Guest as per the provisions in Article 12.
4. If the application fee as defined in the second clause is not paid to the Hotel by the date specified by the Hotel, the Agreement shall become void. However, this is limited to cases where the Hotel has notified the Guest of the due date for payment of the application fee.
Article 4: Special Provision for Application Fee Exemption
1. The provisions in the second clause of the preceding Article not withstanding, the Hotel may, at its discretion, exempt the Guest from payment of his application fee after the conclusion of the Agreement.
2. In entering the Agreement, if the Hotel does not ask the Guest to pay the application fee as defined in the second clause of the preceding Article, or if the Hotel does not specify a date for its payment, it is understood that the Guest shall be exempted from payment of his application fee by a special provision as defined in the preceding clause.
Article 5: Refusal of Agreement
1. The Hotel may refuse to enter an Agreement with the Guest if one of the following is applicable:
i) The application for accommodation is not bound by these Rules and Regulations
ii) Rooms are fully occupied and there is no vacancy
iii) The Guest is deemed a threat to the Law of Japan, as well as public order and morals, or presents a risk to the orderly environment of the Hotel
iv) The Guest is clearly identified as a plague carrier
v) The Guest’s accommodation request exceeds what is reasonable
vi) The Hotel is unable to accommodate the Guest due to calamity, facility problem, or any other unavoidable reasons
vii) Article 5 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Okinawa Prefecture Hotel Business Law is applicable
*Note: The following conditions are stated in Article 5 of the said Ordinance.
a) The Guest is heavily intoxicated, acting in an eccentric manner, or deemed a risk to other guests
b) The Guest’s body or clothes are egregiously unclean and therefore deemed a risk to other guests
Article 6: Termination of Agreement by the Guest
1. The Guest may terminate the Agreement by giving notice to the Hotel.
2. If the Guest terminates all or part of the Agreement for his own convenience, the Guest shall pay the Hotel a penalty stipulated in Appendix 3, provided that the Hotel specifies a date of payment and requests the application fee be paid as per the provisions in Article 3-2. However, if the Hotel agrees to a special provision in accordance with Article 4-1, this penalty is only applicable if the Hotel notifies the Guest of his responsibility to pay a penalty upon termination of the Agreement by the Guest.
3. If the Guest does not arrive at the Hotel by 8:00 PM (if an expected time of arrival is given, it shall be two hours after that time) on the day of his stay, the Hotel may treat the agreement as terminated by the Guest.

Article 7: Termination of Agreement by the Hotel
1. The Hotel may terminate the Agreement if one of the following is applicable:
i) The Guest is deemed a threat to the Law of Japan, as well as public order and morals, or presents a risk to the orderly environment of the Hotel; or if the Guest commits such a disorderly act
ii) The Guest is clearly identified as a plague carrier
iii) The Guest’s accommodation request exceeds what is reasonable
iv) The Hotel is unable to accommodate the Guest due to calamity, facility problem, or any other unavoidable reasons
v) Article 5 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Okinawa Prefecture Hotel Business Law is applicable
vi) The Guest does not adhere to the Hotel Rules and Regulations (limited to provisions necessary for fire prevention) such as smoking in the bedroom and playing with fire extinguishers and related apparatuses
2. If the Hotel terminates the Agreement as per the provisions in the preceding clause, the Hotel shall not bill the Guest for services that the Guest has yet to receive.
Article 8: Registration for Accommodation
1. The Guest shall provide the following information at the Hotel’s front desk on the day of his stay.
i) The Guest’s name, age, sex, address and occupation
ii) For foreign guests: passport number, port of entry, and date of entry
iii) Date of departure and expected time of departure
iv) Other information deemed necessary by the Hotel
2. If the Guest wishes to pay his fees by a method other than traveler’s check, hotel voucher, credit card, or cash, the Guest shall inform the Hotel of his desired method of payment at the time of registration.
Article 9: Hours of Guest Room Use
1. The Guest may use the Hotel’s facilities from 3:00 PM to 11:00 AM the following day. However, if the Guest is staying for more than one day, the Guest may use the Hotel’s facilities 24 hours a day except the day of arrival and the day of departure.
2. The provisions in the preceding clause notwithstanding, the Hotel may agree to the use of a guest room by the Guest outside the period stipulated in the preceding clause. In such a case, the following additional charge shall be billed to the Guest.
i) 30% of regular room charge until 3:00 PM
ii) 50% of regular room charge until 5:00 PM
iii) 100% of regular room charge after 5:00 PM

Article 10: Compliance
1. The Guest shall adhere to the Hotel Rules and Regulations stipulated by the Hotel which are publicly displayed in the Hotel as long as he is on the Hotel premises.

Article 11: Open Hours
1. Open hours of the Hotel’s main facilities are as follows. Open hours for other facilities can be found in hotel pamphlets, signs located in various locations, and in the service directory in the guest room.
i) Front desk, currency exchange and other services:
a) No curfew
b) Front desk is open 24 hours
c) Currency exchange is available 24 hours
2. Hours stated in the preceding clause may be subject to temporary change when deemed necessary. In such cases, the Guest shall be notified accordingly.

Article 12: Payment of Fees
1. Breakdown of accommodation fees and how they are computed are shown in Appendix 1.
2. Accommodation fees stated in the preceding clause shall be paid by cash, hotel voucher, credit card, or some other method, at the front desk on the day of check-out or when the Hotel bills the Guest.
3. If the Hotel provides the Guest a room and it becomes available for use, the Guest will be charged an accommodation fee even if he chooses not to stay at the Hotel.

Article 13: Responsibility of the Hotel
1. If the Hotel fails to perform its duties stipulated under the Agreement and causes damage to the Guest, the Hotel shall be liable for compensation for the damage. However, the Hotel shall not be held liable for compensation if it is not responsible for the damage.
2. Although the Hotel is recognized by the fire service for meeting the standard fire safety criteria, it takes out a hotel liability insurance policy for contingency.

Article 14: Procedure When the Room Cannot be Provided
1. If the Hotel cannot provide the room agreed upon under the Agreement, the Hotel shall place the Guest at some other hotel with identical or similar conditions, provided that the Guest agrees to the move.
2. The provisions in the preceding clause notwithstanding, if the Hotel is unable to place the Guest at some other hotel, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee, and this fee shall be appropriated to compensate for the damage incurred by the Guest. However, the Hotel shall not be held liable for compensation if it is not responsible for its not being able to provide a room.

Article 15: Handling of Deposited Articles
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to items, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force majeure.
2. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when loss, breakage or other damage is caused to items, cash or valuables not deposited at the front desk, provided that the damage was caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Hotel. However, the Hotel shall only compensate up to the amount of 100,000 Japanese yen for items of which type and value were not declared by the Guest in advance, unless the damage was caused through intention or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.

Article 16: Storage of Luggage and Personal Belongings
1. If the Guest’s luggage arrives at the Hotel before the arrival of the Guest, the Hotel shall assume responsibility and store it with care provided that the Hotel has agreed to do so before the arrival of the luggage. The Guest may pick it up at the front desk at the time of check-in.
2. If the Guest’s luggage or personal belongings are found at the Hotel after the Guest has checked out, and if ownership of those items is identified, the Hotel shall contact the owner regarding the handling of those items and await his instructions. If the owner cannot be identified or if the owner does not provide any instructions, the items shall be held by the Hotel for a period of seven (7) days beginning on the day the items were found, and taken to the nearest police station thereafter.
3. For the preceding two clauses with regard to the Hotel’s responsibility in storing the Guest’s luggage and personal belongings, the first clause shall be governed by the provisions in the first clause of the preceding Article, and the second clause shall be governed by the provisions in the second clause of the preceding Article.

Article 17: Parking
1. If the Guest uses the Hotel’s parking lot, regardless of whether or not the keys are deposited at the Hotel, the Hotel shall not assume management responsibility of parked vehicles as it is only providing space. However, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages provided that the damage was caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Hotel.

Article 18: Responsibility of the Guest
1. If damage was caused through intention or negligence on the part of the Guest, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for damages.

Appendix 1:
Breakdown of Accommodation Charges (see Article 12, Paragraph 1)
Fees to be paid by the guest:
Accommodation Fee: Basic room rate charge (or room charge + breakfast charge)
Additional Fees: Food and drink (or food and drink other than breakfast), and other usage charges
Tax: Consumption tax
If the tax law is amended, tax charges will be in accordance with amended proviions.

Appendix 2:
A ccharge of 40,000 yen will be applied as a restoration fee for smoking in the guest room.

Appendix 3:
Penalties (see Article 6, Paragraph 2):
If the guest contacts the hotel at least 2 days prior to scheduled stay, no penalty.
If the guest contacts the hotel the day prior to scheduled stay, penalty of 20% of reservation charges.
If the guest contacts the hotel on the day of the scheduled stay, penalty of 80% of reservation charges.
If the guest does not stay and does not contact the hotel, penalty of 100%.
For group reservations, cancellation fees will be charged as shown in the chart below.

# of persons/Cancellation Request No Show 1-3 Days Before 4-13 Days Before 14-21 Days Before 22-30 Days Before
8-50 persons 100% 80% 30% 20% 10%
51-150 persons 100% 80% 50% 30% 20%
# of persons/Cancellation Request No Show 1-7 Days Before 8-21 Days Before 22-30 Days Before 31-60 Days Before
More than 150 persons 100% 80% 60% 40% 30%

To ensure your comfortable stay, we ask you to adhere to the following rules and regulations in accordance with Article 10 of the Hotel Terms & Conditions. If a guest is found to be in violation of these rules and regulations, the hotel may unilaterally terminate its accommodation agreement with that guest in accordance with Article 7 of the Hotel Terms & Conditions.

1. Use of guest rooms other than for the purpose of accommodation or eating and drinking is strictly prohibited.
2. Guests may not bring food or drink inside the hotel or have them delivered to the hotel.
3. Use of fire inside the facility, including its halls and guest rooms, for the purpose of heating or cooking is prohibited.
4. Make sure the locking devices on the doors and windows are fully functional.
5. Smoking is strictly prohibited within the premises including guest rooms and balcony area. A designated smoking area is located outside the main entrance of the hotel.
6. Make sure the door is locked when you leave the room.
7. Make sure you know where the emergency exits and evacuation routes are after checking in.
8. If you have a visitor, check to see who the person is through the doorscope. If you notice anything strange with the person, contact the front desk.
9. Only registered guests may stay overnight at the hotel.
10. Do not invite visitors to your guest room.
11. Do not make modifications or move equipment/appliances in the guest room or the facility from their designated locations without proper reason.
12. The following are prohibited in the hotel:
a) Pet animals and birds (except guide dogs and service dogs)
b) Items emitting an offensive odor
c) Items exceeding a reasonable volume
d) Firearms, knives, and swords whose possession is not permitted under the law
e) Gunpowder, explosives, flammable oil, and other flammable items
13. Do not disturb other guests by singing, making loud noise, or committing any other acts of annoyance in the guest room and the hotel. Also, do not engage in any acts of gambling or acts that are considered to be offensive to public order and morals.
14. If a guest is believed to be feeble minded or under the influence of drugs, or if a guest is deemed a clear risk to other guests, the hotel may refuse service to that guest to protect the safety of guests as a whole.
15. Minors cannot stay at the hotel without the consent of their guardian.
16. Do not hand out promotional materials or sell merchandise to guests in the hotel unless given specific permission.
17. We advise you to leave your cash, valuables and other items of importance at the front desk, or keep them in the safe deposit in your guest room. The hotel shall not be held liable for any loss or theft of your valuables.
19. Lost & found items will be kept by the hotel for a certain period of time, and then dealt with in accordance with the Lost Property Law.
19. When you make a purchase in the hotel (e.g. restaurant, bar) and charge it to your room, please show the staff your room key or guest card. 
20. Please note that if you use the phone in your room a facility fee will be charged.
21. If you vandalize any facility or equipment within the hotel premises or damage or lose any hotel property, you will be charged for them in full.
22. Please note that we reserve the right to take legal action against use and distribution of photographs taken in the hotel for business purposes.
23. Do not leave your room in your pajamas or room wear provided by the hotel. 
24. Do not place anything on the balcony that would compromise the appearance and image of the hotel. 
25. Do not throw anything from the balcony.
26. If the front desk sends you an account bill during your stay, please pay it accordingly.
27. Purchase of stamps can be made by cash only.
28. Payment by personal check is not accepted in the hotel.
29. Credit card cashing and coupon cashing are not available.

This handbook presents preparatory instructions for emergency situations and life safety instructions in unexpected situations. Although we make every effort for ensuring your safety, please take a moment to read the handbook to be prepared for unexpected emergencies.

When You Arrive at Your Room
Learn the emergency exits and evacuation routes on the map found on the inside of the room door, and walk and locate at least two of the potential exits and evacuation routes.
Locate the emergency flashlight in the room.
If you have any concern about an emergency evacuation due to physical limitations, please do not hesitate to consult the front desk.
Notes on Smoking
Smoking is strictly prohibited within the premises including guest rooms and balcony area. There is a designated smoking area outside the main entrance.

If You Discover a Fire
If you discover a fire, please inform the front desk immediately.
Make loud noises to alert people nearby.
If there is any indication or even a suspicion of a fire, no matter how minor it is, please inform the front desk.

If You Hear a Fire Alarm
Please remain calm and follow the instructions of the Voice Alarm System and the hotel staff.
Do not use elevators.
Create a mask with a wet towel or cloth and keep it over your nose and mouth to prevent and minimize the amount of smoke inhalation.
Stay low to the floor under the smoke. Stay on the same side of the hall and keep in contact with the wall as you make your way to the emergency staircase located in the opposite direction of the fire.

When You Leave Your Room in Case of Fire
Close your room door behind you to prevent or slow the spread of the fire and smoke.
Please notify the hotel staff immediately if there is any person(s) injured or trapped inside.

If You are Unable to Leave Your Room due to Fire and Smoke
Notify the front desk by phone.
If you cannot reach the front desk, signal to the people outside by hanging a bed sheet or blanket from your window or flashing the emergency light at night.
Place wet towels and sheets at the bottom of the door and around any other cracks around the doorway and wait for rescue.
If an Earthquake Occurs
Please remain calm and follow the instructions of the Voice Alarm System and the hotel staff.
Stay away from windows as they could shatter.
Take cover under a sturdy desk or table (one with no glass) to protect your head.
Do not use elevators.